Monday, April 13, 2009

Conficker Attacks Stiil Continue On University of Utah

Conficker virus attacks have not stopped yet. Hundreds of personal computer (PC) at the University of Utah become the victims of the virus. 

Not less than 700 computers in this prestigious educational institution have been infected by conficker. Initially, this virus was detected since thursday, 9 April. However, suddenly in the next day, conficker spread very quickly, from the hospital of the campus, school of health, faculties of pharmacy and nursing and health. 

Consequently, more data have been lost because of damaged and stolen. "The virus attacks the desktop, and stole important data such as credit card numbers and other bank information," said spokesman of Utah University, Chris Nelson, as quoted Associated Press, Tuesday (14/4/2009). 

From data collected, most likely if the virus has been spreading through the digital camera and intelligent mobile devices  of employees and staffs in the environment around the campus. 

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