Friday, February 27, 2009

Gadgets Which Bring You Happiness

Nintendo Wii console wins votes as the first place for bringing happiness to users. In the second position is the music player from Apple iPod, following iPhone in the third place. 

This is revealed in the survey, by the UK consumer company, Gadget Helpline on 2500 callers. Wii place in 1st position showed the game console as more and more popular entertainment of all ages. 

In addition, Xbox 360 consoles have a fourth and Nintendo DS in the eighth. But somehow, Playstation console doesn't come up in the list. 

Wii is a favorite among all ages since launched, from children to parents because the game has a unique method. In the UK alone, it is estimated that 5 million households have a Wii. 

"With the world as if in our hands, the more we despise socializing with other people. But the success of the console game shows there is still great interest to share the time and place with the beloved people," said spokesman of Gadgets Helpline. 

Here is 10 great gadgets that are considered bringing most happiness to the users: 

1. Nintendo Wii 
2. iPod 
3. iPhone 3G 
4. Xbox 360 
5. Blackberry 
6. Sky + 
7. Mac Book 
8. Nintendo DS 
9. Tom Tom 930 Satellite Navigation System 
10. Sony Reader PRS-505

Big Changes on Yahoo Management

The new Yahoo CEO, Carol Bartz,is bringing clear impacts. Bartz even now prepares to make large-scale renovation on the structure of Yahoo management in order to be competitive in the internet business.

"I launched a new management structure that I believe make Yahoo grow more rapidly. OAll is simplified. We will make decisions more quickly and on the customers," said Bartz as quoted from the AFP,Friday (27/2/2009). 

One of the indications, Chief Financial Officer of Yahoo, Blake Jorgensen quit from his position. Bartz also chose a new executive as head of North American region. While the position of Chief Marketing Officer will be filled by Elisa Steele starting in March. 

"This is a good sign. He chose people that he wanted and kicked out those who can not work with him. You should see a CEO selecting people who are loyal to him," said analyst Rob Enderle of Enderle Group's. 

Bartz also strengthens customer service by creating a Consumer Advocacy Group. In addition to responding the needs of consumers, this group is also expected to learn what the market's desired products are.

Bartz has analyzed what happens to this company and why it has been in haste in the competition. He surprised with some of the complexities in Yahoo. Bartz said that Yahoo failed to play the role. 

At this time, Yahoo is far behind Gooogle in online search business . Google has 61 percent of the market and Yahoo 21 percent.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hacking Competion

The competence of hackers is tested in a hacking competition. For hackers who win the challenge given, deserves prizes to US $10,000. 

This year, the annual contest, titled Pwn2Own is challenging hackers to exploit the mobile-phones that run the Android operating system, Symbian, and Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry and iPhone. 

The participant who successfully exploits to attack emails, SMS, website browsing, deserves to bring home the prize of US $10,000. All devices have been patched before. 

In the second competition, hackers are demanded showing their best ability in attcking the web browsers. IE 8 browser, Firefox, and Google Chrome will be installed in a Sony Vaio running on Windows 7, while Safari and Firefox will be installed on the MacBook with OS X. 

For every bug which is successfully exploited, the contestant will be granted US $5000.

This contest is the third time held and will take place in Vancouver, BC, Canada on 18-20 March.

Opera Mini Users Reached 20 Millions

Opera Mini users in the world reached 20 million unique users. While in Indonesia, the user's browser for mobile devices is soaring 312 percent in one year. 

The data is part of the report from State of Mobile Web in January 2009. 

Reportedly, Indonesia is a country with the highest  growth of Opera Mini users among the top 10 countries. 
Meanwhile, countries with the highest growth of Opera Mini Users is Armenia which increased more than 2800 percent. Followed by Nigeria (1854%), Egypt (1391%), Philippines (570%) and Kazakhstan (419%). 

Indonesia is one of the biggest web page readers via Opera Mini in the world. Armenia leads with an average 669 pages per user. Followed by Ukraine (530), Indonesia (507), Kazakhstan (482) and Russia (416). 

Top 10 Web sites which are accessed by Opera Mini in Indonesia: (up from position 7) (up from position 6) (down from the position of 4) (up from position 8) (up from position 9) (re-entry in this list)