Thursday, February 10, 2011

Seven “Bold” Predictions for Display Ads in 2015

Speaking as part of Advertising Week in Toronto, Google’s managing director, media and platforms, Americas Barry Salzman spelled out seven “bold” predictions for display ads which the company believes will come true by 2015.

#1: 50% of display ads will include cost per view video
-With 35 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, video is an undeniable part of the consumer experience online, says Salzman. Advertisers need to be in this space, says Google and should only pay for video that is being watched.

#2: 50% of audience will be buying in real time
-Salzman says Google did more transactions in its DoubleClick ad exchange last year than all of the stock markets in the world combined and believes that trend is not slowing down.

#3: Mobile will be the #1 screen
-Mobile users will overtake fixed computer users by 2014, said Salzman. “By 2015 consumers first experience with every brand will be on a mobile device.”Google showed off its Google Goggles application, available for android and iPhone which translates photos into text and displays the results in search, eliminating the need for typing.

#4: Five metrics will be more important and widely used than clicks
-Salzman would not get into the five metrics Google meant in this prediction but did say that in research the last form of measurement that marketers want is clicks. Coincidentally, he says it is the first one given to them.

#5: 75% of ads will be socially enabled
-Social marketing is enabling the two-way conversation that the internet always promised between brands and consumers, says Salzman.

#6: Rich media will be in 50% of brand campaigns
-The static banner is a thing of the past, says Salzman who demonstrated using ads on Media in Canada and The Globe and Mail which featured both live video and twitter feeds. “This grows the display ad pie for everyone.”

#7: Display will be a $50 billion industry, $2 billion in Canada
-Salzman says he knows internet display advertising is getting traction now because he is getting the attention of top creative directors where in early days they were indifferent to being on the platform.

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