Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hacker Exploited Security Hole in iPad

After 10 hours of the iPad launched, Apple sold 100.000 units from its e-book device. According to a prediction, as of now almost 2 millions iPad are being used. Hackers know the euphoria to the new gadget and prepare a virus made specially to attack iPad.

Hackers make use of information that Apple is offering security update for iPod, iPhone, and iPad through music software iTunes. In a phising email, hackers sent a request to download a new version of iTunes through a link which will update iPad. It is said, in the email, that the device will be faster and more secure.

Yet, after clicking on the fake link, users will be directed to a fake website which is very similar to Apple website. If you download iTunes update there then your computer will be immediately infected by "Backdoor.Bifrose.AADY" virus which is resident in the "explorer.exe" file. The virus will read the serial number of the installed programs and steal and send all emails' passwords, messenger accounts, and chat logs to the hackers.

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